The Gift of a Future – leaving a gift in your will
Railways bring us together and provide purpose, meaning and enjoyment to so many people. They represent community and connection. People are at the heart of Wensleydale Railway’s plans for the future and we want more people to experience and enjoy all that the railway and beautiful Wensleydale has to offer.
Your railway has come a long way since its humble origins. It has carried out major track and infrastructure repairs and renovated & restored rolling stock and engines. It has beautifully restored, award-winning station buildings and a superb children and family-focused heritage education programme. Wensleydale Railway is now the UK’s number one venue for the hugely popular Polar Express Christmas experience.
Despite this incredible progress, your railway has yet to reach its true potential. There is still much to do and we need your support. As a charity, Wensleydale Railway Association Trust relies on donations and gifts in wills to continue its work. Leaving a gift in your will is an important part of helping secure your railway’s future and ensuring that it continues to provide connection, education and enjoyment to future generations.
There are numerous benefits to leaving a gift to charity in your will. Supporting a cause that you are passionate about, one that has given you pleasure and enjoyment over the years can be very satisfying. It can feel very rewarding to know that your gift will make a difference to other people. There are also some more practical reasons as to why leaving a legacy in your will is a good idea. Gifts that are made to charity are free from Inheritance Tax. If you leave more than 10% of your entire estate to charity the inheritance tax rate drops from 40% to 36%.
If you would like more information on leaving a gift to the Wensleydale Railway Association Trust, and to talk in confidence, please contact us at admin@wensleydalerailway.com and ask to speak with Richard Leathley (Trust Chairman).