Return To Redmire Appeal
Wensleydale Railway Association (Trust) Ltd (Reg. No. 1088324)
working with Wensleydale Railway Plc
Will you help us restore passenger services to Redmire?
It has been over 3 years since we last ran passenger trains to Redmire. This part of the railway has arguably some of the finest scenery & views in the Yorkshire Dales. We would love to reopen the Leyburn to Redmire section of the line but are faced with some major problems. We need your help.
What’s the problem?
The condition of track & infrastructure between Leyburn and Redmire is very poor and rapidly deteriorating. We cannot safely run passenger trains over this section of line in its current state. The railway is predominantly constructed on ash ballast, wooden sleepers and 90lb North Eastern Rail which is heavily worn out and life-expired. Some of this track dates back to before the First World War. There is considerable vegetation to be removed, re-ballasting done and drainage renewed. In addition, there is major infrastructure work to address such as 2nd platform construction & footbridge replacement at Leyburn and signalling.
Replacing track is incredibly expensive with costs varying according to a number of factors including whether new or second-hand materials are used. We estimate the total cost of all required track & infrastructure upgrade work being well in excess of £1 million.
How can you help?
With your support, the purpose of this appeal is primarily to raise essential “pump-priming” funds that will provide crucial support for future, larger grant funding applications, although some will be used on essential track repairs. The funds will act as a match-funding resource that can be used as vital leverage when applying for the larger, often governmental, funding opportunities necessary to reopen this section of line. It’s a standard requirement of many grant-funding bodies that applicants must provide match funding when requesting funding. This demonstrates that the applicant is fully committed to their project, has “skin in the game” and is not relying 100% on the grantor. This match funding is often at least 10% of the total amount of funding being sought.
Can we count on your support?
The railway continues to make significant progress. We secured a £386,000 grant from the National Lottery Heritage Fund to restore Leeming Bar Station House and develop the 1920s heritage programme. This project’s successful completion along with other Heritage Fund supported projects – Scruton Station and Leeming Bar Signal Box – demonstrate that we are able to complete complex capital & revenue projects. This positions us well to make further large-scale grant applications. This appeal is the next step in the railway’s development and the beginning of major plans to upgrade the railway infrastructure and return to Redmire.
We can’t achieve this goal without you. Can we count on your support?
We welcome any donation, either one-off or regular. No matter the size, we greatly appreciate your support.
Secure online donations can be made by clicking on the “Donate via JustGiving” button below
Donate via JustGiving
Bank Transfer:
Wensleydale Railway Association (Trust) Limited
Sort code: 82-62-13 Account number: 20144508
Please make payable to “WRA(T)” and send to:
The Treasurer WRA(T)
56 Thorpe Lane
Huddersfield, HD5 8TA
We would appreciate it if you would also complete the donation form attached to the downloadable
brochure below (for our records and to claim Gift Aid) and post it with your cheque, or email it to:
Thank you for your support!
Full Steam Ahead Appeal
This appeal to purchase two recently refurbished, ready-to-use 1950s Mk1 vacuum-braked coaches is still
open for donations.