Edward VII’s Coronation

Thursday 26th June 1902

Saturday 9th August 1902


Tues. 24th June

Coronation Celebration Committees in cities, towns & villages around the country are putting final touches to their preparations for Thursday’s event when they hear of an official announcement. The announcement states “The King is suffering from perityphilitis (appendicitis)… rendering a surgical operation necessary today.” The coronation must therefore be postponed.

Wed. 25th June

The Committees must decide how to respond. In general, the decision is to go ahead with the teas for children although they will not be presented with the commemoration mugs or medals. The bonfires, fireworks, entertainments are all to be postponed.

Thurs. 26th June

Church services that were to celebrate the coronation have become services of intercession – praying for the health of the King.

August 9th

Only 7 weeks later the coronation goes ahead albeit slightly simplified in consideration of the King’s health. Due to the postponement and the time taken to travel by sea many of the foreign delegations have returned home.


Coronation mugs can be found on eBay and Etsy, etc. with the date 26th June 1902